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한중일 간호학술대회

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한중일 간호학술대회

<행사 개요>

동아시아 3개국의 간호실무교육연구 분야에서 폭넓은 지식과 정보를 나누고 우의를 다지기 위하여 2009년 제1회 대회를 기점으로 개최되는 행사.

<2022년 한중일간호학술대회 세부 프로그램 안내>

The 6th Korea China Japan Nursing Conference Program

Day 1, November 1st (Tue.)

Registration Open

17:00 Lotte hotel

Distribution of Conference Kits


Welcome Reception for the Association Delegates

18:00-20:00 Lotte hotel

Chair: Ms. Lee Soon Joo, Executive Supervisor, International Dept.


  Day 2, November 2nd (Wed.)

Opening Ceremony

09:00-09:40 Bell View Room, Lotte hotel

Chair: KNA Shin Sung Rae, Chair, International Committee Simultaneous Interpretation

Welcome Address

Dr. Kyung Rim Shin, President, Korean Nurses Association (KNA)

Congratulatory Messages

Introduction of Presidents of associations, and guests

Photo Session

Break time

Presidential Lectures

09:40-10:40 Bell View Room, Lotte hotel

Chair: KNA Lee SunMi , International Committee member


Dr. Kyung Rim Shin, President, Korean Nurses Association (KNA)

Dr. Xinjuan Wu, President, Chinese Nursing Association (CNA)

Dr. Toshiko Fukui, President, Japanese Nursing Association (JNA)

Break time